Friends of Historic Woolsey

Preserving Our Yesterdays for Tomorrow 

Historic Woolsey Cemetery Fence

          Photo by Ryan Arvay ©2001

In December 1906, Juan Fernandez McLean, a prominent figure in the Woolsey community, purchased and placed the original fence, crafted by the Stewart Iron Company, around the cemetery. This fence served as a barrier between the sacred ground and the bustling world beyond. The historic fence which was over 100 years old was replaced with a more modern one in 2007 by Woolsey Baptist Church.

The original fence, a symbol of the cemetery's history, was not to be forgotten. The logo for the nonprofit Friends of Historic Woolsey, created by Katie Barton, daughter of Linda Blum-Barton and granddaughter of Budd and Mildred Blum, pays homage to the original fence, ensuring that the history and tradition of the cemetery are preserved.