Friends of Historic Woolsey

Preserving Our Yesterdays for Tomorrow 

 Help Save Historic Woolsey Church!
"Keeping and using old places is one of the most environmentally
sound things a person or community can do."
– Thompson M. Mayes, Why Old Places Matter
Dr. Woolsey understood the value of education not only for individuals but also for the community. Because of his understanding and passion for education, he donated the land for the first school in Woolsey, Georgia. Friends of Historic Woolsey is honored to continue his work in our advocacy promoting and educating others about the preservation of architecturally, historically, and culturally significant buildings, sites, literature, resources, and landscapes.

Historic Woolsey Cemetery Victorian Cemeteries by Richard Waterhouse, Executive Director, Buckhead Heritage

Symbolism on Gravestones  

Preserving Gravemarkers in Historic Cemeteries

From Rachel Black, Georgia State Archaeologist –  How to Clean a Grave Marker

"History at the Cemetery" in children's book My Backyard History Book by David Weitzman (used with permission from the author)

Grave Intentions: A Comprehensive Guide to Preserving Historic Cemeteries in Georgia by Christine Van Voorhies 

Historic Woolsey Cemetery on Find a Grave

"Wait! Be Careful with those Old Photographs" in children's book My Backyard History Book by David Weitzman (used with permission from the author)

Types of old photographs and where you might find them in children's book My Backyard History Book by David Weitzman (used with permission from the author)

The Georgia Historical Society Research Center - Search the Collection for Photographs, Manuscripts, Drawings, Books, Maps, Portraits, and Artifacts

Vanishing Georgia Photographic Collection of Photographs

Vanishing Georgia by Brian Brown

Jenny Burdette Photography

Georgia Historical Society for Educators

Fayette County Historical Society

The Town of Woolsey

Historic Preservation Division in Georgia

"Six Practical Reasons to Save Old Buildings," National Trust for Historic Preservation

Thompson M. Mayes, Blog Series – "Why Do Old Places Matter?"  National Trust for Historic Preservation



Walter Reeves: The Georgia Gardener, Expert Gardening Tips

Fayette Master Gardener Association

The Cherokee Garden Library at The Atlanta History Center



Historic Preservation: The process of identifying, protecting, enhancing, and interpreting buildings, structures, sites, objects, districts, and landscapes of historic and cultural significance. 

Georgia Historic Preservation Act of 1980: “the historical, cultural, and aesthetic heritage of this state is among its most valued and important assets and the preservation of this heritage is essential to the promotion of the health, prosperity, and general welfare of the people.”

Historic Property: A district, site, building, structure or object that is eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Restoration: Restoration is the act or process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal of features from other periods in its history and reconstruction of missing features from the restoration period.

Preservation: The act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity and materials of a historic property. Work, including preliminary measures to protect and stabilize the property, generally focuses upon the ongoing maintenance and repair of historic materials and features rather than extensive replacement and new construction. New exterior additions are not within the scope of this treatment; however, the limited and sensitive upgrading of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and other code-required work to make properties functional is appropriate within a preservation project.

Conservation: Conservation encompasses the protection and long-term preservation of culturally significant sites, structures, objects, or artifacts in the effort to retain them at their current state in time. This includes examination, documentation, treatment, and preventive care.

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values.

Historic Woolsey Church History and Restoration 
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Historic Preservation Act
Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders
The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation
Georgia Historic Preservation Division
The Georgia Historic Preservation Act