Friends of Historic Woolsey

Preserving Our Yesterdays for Tomorrow 

Faces of Woolsey - Archibald G. Preston


       Photo Courtesy of Virginia Bailey
Archibald G. Preston, often affectionately known as “A. G.,” “Archie,” or “Arch,” was a skilled craftsman who ran the local blacksmith shop in Woolsey. This shop was more than just a place to work with metal; it was a hub of activity and a center for the community in this once thriving town.

Arch was also a member of the Masons' Fayetteville Chapter. Arch was a well-respected figure in the community.

He was a loving, patient, and benevolent father and a kind and supportive husband. He and his wife, Martha Emily Preston, had nine children – three sons and six daughters. His family was his priority, and his love and support provided the foundation for his active community involvement.

His obituary described him as “an honorable and upright man,” highlighting his sterling character.