Friends of Historic Woolsey

Preserving Our Yesterdays for Tomorrow 

Help Save Historic Woolsey Church by Shopping!

13 households have signed up for Kroger's Community Rewards, and we will receive a check for $26.39. With the matching grant from the Fayette County Development Authority in partnership with the Town of Woolsey, that $26.39 becomes $52.78! Donations will be matched. If you haven’t already signed up, please click here for sign-up directions. Every dollar raised, every hour volunteered, and every bit of expertise shared brings us closer to our goal of the restoration of the Historic Woolsey Church and the maintenance of Historic Woolsey Cemetery.

Once restored, the church will provide a gathering place for community, religious, educational, civic, literary, and cultural arts programs and events for not only the community of Woolsey, Georgia but also for Fayette County and surrounding areas.

Thank you for your support! 

#WoolseyChurchRestoration  #CommunityHeritage  
#FCDACommunitySupport #townofwoolsey   
#PreservingHistory  @friendsofhistoricwoolsey