Friends of Historic Woolsey

Preserving Our Yesterdays for Tomorrow 

Oh, Christmas Gift!

Young Ferrol Sams - Courtesy of the Sams Family

Friends of Historic Woolsey is passionate about preserving and sharing the rich history of Woolsey, Georgia. In this light, we wish to share a unique Christmas memory from 1929, written by Dr. Ferrol Sams. This memory encapsulates a time when material security was a distant dream for many, yet the spirit of Christmas found its way into even the most austere circumstances. 

A Christmas Memory from 1929

Let's travel back to the year 1929, a year that was lean and mean, shaping the mindset of an entire generation. As Dr. Ferrol Sams recalls, "I remember the year of '29... There was no extra gift of clothing or toys under my stocking in '29... With a shrug of acceptance I sat down and forced a leisurely exploration of the stocking."

The Unexpected Gift

Despite the tough times, the magic of Christmas had a way of making its presence felt. As Sams continues his memory, he tells of an unexpected surprise waiting for him. "At the very toe of my stocking was a foreign and unexpected object. On feeling it I imagined a dried biscuit. On delivery to vision it was a watch. A big, fat pocket watch. Like Pa Jim's, Comp's, Uncle Ed's. Like Daddy's... Mine was a shiny silver color, not white or yellow gold, but mine was thicker than any of theirs."

The Joy of Ownership

While the watch was not made of gold, it held a value that was priceless. The simple gift of a pocket watch symbolized an inherent promise of growth and prosperity. "Mine had Westclox on the face instead of Waltham or Hamilton, but mine ticked the loudest. Any forlorness vanished in an instant. I was a boy child. Some day I would be a man. Oh, Christmas gift!"

This story stands as a testament to the simple joys and profound meanings that lay hidden in the seemingly ordinary moments of life. Friends of Historic Woolsey strives to keep such memories alive and thriving, to remind us of our roots and the values that have shaped us.

Visit our website to share your Woolsey stories. Together, we can ensure that the rich history and vibrant tales of the people of the town of Woolsey and nearby live on for generations to come. 

Excerpts from Christmas Gift! by Ferrol Sams